Motherhood is a challenging task and life phase of every mother, and nothing can fully prepare you. The first year of a child’s growth is among the most demanding because, after an exhausting pregnancy and breastfeeding phase such as relentlessly pumping milk with breast pump Malaysia. Everything has very dynamic changes, anything changes quickly, and you may experience a lack of reliability, predictability, and stability. Every day during this time period brings a new challenge, and we’ve chosen to share the universal motherhood challenges.

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(i)                  You can count your old friends with fingers

Adulthood would make us focus on our life journey and we have started losing the bond between our friends. Meanwhile, motherhood would prepare you to ‘’lose’’ friends and rather only few is left. You may lose contact with former friends during this time. It’s natural for you to want to talk about your new child right now, but this may not be appropriate for people who don’t have a child and live with someone else. It’s fine if your paths have temporarily diverged and you meet new people who share your interests.


(ii)                The fear of losing one’s identity

Another issue that many new mothers may face is a loss of identity. It is necessary to acknowledge that this is the most dedicated period of your life: you already have a child and they are completely reliant on you 24 hours a day. As a result, you may find yourself missing the old version of yourself, who had more freedom. Even so, these emotions are fleeting.


(iii)              Relationship changes were observed

The birth of a child is a challenge not only for mothers, but also for their partners. Despite the fact that this is your child, you now have another person living with you who requires constant attention. And, while it is rarely discussed, it is a time when many relationships can become tense. To help your partner cope with this new situation, you should assure them that your feelings for them have not changed.


(iv)              Constant exhaustion

It should not be overlooked that maternity leave is not a vacation. Being a mother is a lifelong commitment that lasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When the baby is older, the parents will have more time for themselves, but the first few months or years are extremely demanding and exhausting, especially for mothers. Under the influence of a large number of new responsibilities, it is common for the mother to experience chronic fatigue, which she may find difficult to overcome. It is not shameful to seek assistance in this situation, whether from a partner, the child’s grandparents, or even a babysitter. Your physical and mental health are important to us.

(v)                Constant sadness

When all of the aforementioned challenges are present, it is no surprise that unpleasant feelings bordering on anxiety or even depression can arise. In this case, it is determined by the type of social network you have created around yourself. If you believe that the support of your partner, parents, or friends is insufficient, it is not a sin to seek professional assistance. On the contrary, it demonstrates your strength because you have found the determination to combat the aforementioned feelings. In some cases, however, simply asking for help from loved ones is sufficient, as they will relieve you of the burden at least temporarily while you recover.


In conclusion, every phase of life has its own challenges. However, you must take care of your mental and physical wellbeing, dear mothers. Don’t let the challenges take a great toll on yourselves.