Being a med student will require you to work harder than you have ever done in your life, but it will also most likely require you to have more great times than you’ve ever had before. There are many misconceptions about being a med student and medical student lifestyle in Malaysia, but it’s fun and interesting, informative, and worth it in the end, especially when you consider what you’re working towards. In this article, we will describe 8 aspects of being a med student that we hope will both convince and entice you to explore this field.

medical student lifestyle in Malaysia

1)    A long-term of practising the knowledge that you have

This may appear to be a minor point, but it should not be overlooked. For many courses, the truth is that you are only studying to pass your exams, and once you have done so, the information you have worked so hard to learn is largely useless to you. This is not the case in medicine, where subjects such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and pathology are all directly applicable to diagnosing, understanding, and treating disease.

This is a great incentive not only to learn the core course material well in order to be a qualified professional, but it is also an opportunity to go beyond the basic learning material and fulfill your inquisitiveness about what you have been trained. As a doctor, this extra information could one day be applied in a healthcare setting and have a major impact for a patient. When you study medicine, you are not just planning to study for the next exam; you are embarking on a journey of lifelong learning, preparing you for your expert knowledge throughout your career in medicine.


2)    You can study yet enjoy the Moment

However, all of these activities that you can do in your leisure time aren’t just for fun. While the major reason you do them is to relax yourself and take your mind off work they are in fact crucial in your “individual development“. As stated previously, this includes working on skill sets that are not within the scope of academia but are still essential for being an effective doctor. For example, if you take part in music or theatre, you will become used to to performing onstage in front of a wide audience, and as an outcome, if you ever have to present at a forum or even to a group of your work mates, you will be capable of standing up confidently and speaking effectively.

medical student lifestyle in Malaysia

3)    You will meet and find that your Peers are very intelligent

Medical students are a very small group of people your age, and they are usually very capable and hardworking. When comparing yourself to other medics, you may feel demoralised, especially if you notice the ones working harder than you more than the rest. Remember that the students to whom you are comparing yourself are among the very best in the country, and as such, you should not be discouraged if some of them outperform you. In fact, there will be plenty of other medical students at your level who are using university to develop themselves as people, not just as students.

In conclusion, the lifestyle of med students does not only focus on gaining knowledge but also developing people skills and expanding the existing social circle. The balance is essential to be a competent doctor in the future!