After years since their introduction, iPhone and iPad have become our digital life’s repository. To extend the life of your device, you must perform routine hardware and software maintenance tasks.

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to maintain your iPhone and iPad.


  • iPhone Battery Management

Frequently, people’s primary complaint about their smartphones is their battery life. It is difficult for heavy users to make their battery last all day. The situation deteriorates as the battery ages.

Regularly recalibrating your iPhone’s battery is one method for mitigating the issue. This procedure can help the battery discharge at a slower rate and extend its lifespan.

Additionally, the iPhone includes battery settings. Modifying them can allow you to extract more juice. To learn more about this and other iPhone battery-related topics, consult our comprehensive guide.

  • Increase iPhone Storage Capacity

Many are dissatisfied with the low internal storage capacity of high-end iPhone models due to their high price.

This storage quickly fills up, especially if you frequently take photos and receive messages from friends and family.

You don’t want to reach your storage limit at an inopportune moment, preventing you from taking photos or downloading new apps. Consequently, it is prudent to occasionally spend some time pruning your phone’s data.

In addition to media files, it is possible to delete browser data, applications, and offline files. If you want more information on how to create free space in iOS, we’ve written a guide.

  • Backup Your Data

It is impossible to overstate the significance of data backups. After putting my wife’s iPhone through the washing machine a month after the birth of our child, I can speak from experience. Goodbye, priceless photographs.

There are two primary methods for backing up iOS: iTunes and iCloud. There are also third-party options available.

  • Restart your device

Restarting your iPhone has numerous advantages, such as repairing memory leaks, freeing up RAM, preventing crashes, and extending battery life.

  • Upgrade Your Apps

This decision is obvious. However, it is astounding how many individuals allow dozens of updates to occur without downloading and installing them. The updated application includes new features, enhanced security, and a more stable user interface.

If there are any pending app updates, you can view them by opening the App Store and selecting the Updates tab.

  • Upgrade iOS software

By updating the software on your device, the phone’s operating system will run much more smoothly. Android systems can benefit from software updates that optimize system performance. Obviously, as software is upgraded, more and more interesting features become available.

Once the iPhone or iPad has been updated, the user can verify that the update was successful.

  1. Select Settings
  2. Select General, then About 3. Examine the number b2eside “Software Version.” Listed figures on the iOS version. Typically, it says “iOS is up to date.”

Find out more about iPad POS software Malaysia.