iso 17025 malaysia

ISO 17025 is the principal international standard for general norms for the competency of testing and calibration facilities. ISO/IEC 17025:2017, the most recent version of iso 17025 Malaysia, was amended in 2005. Most labs in large nations must be accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 in order to be considered technically competent. There are numerous similarities between ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 17025, although ISO/IEC 17025 is more explicit in standards for competence, applies directly to businesses that generate testing and calibration results, and is founded on more technical concepts, providing significant benefits for laboratories.

What Are The Benefits?

iso 17025 malaysia

There are a few benefits that you can acquire from ISO 17025. These would be very beneficial for you at this moment and even in the future. So, what are the benefits? Let’s find out here:

  • Performance Standards

Obtaining ISO 17025 certification is not a simple undertaking, and could take some time. A consistent standard review implies that laboratories must stay on top of their game to maintain continuing proficiency and data quality. Clients, stakeholders, and workers may be certain that the data generated in the laboratory are accurate and dependable, demonstrating the organization’s quality and competence.

  • Contributing to Customer Satisfaction

Because ISO is an internationally recognised standard, labs will quickly acquire the trust of their current and prospective clients. ISO 17025 certification assures that your lab operates effectively, and consistently, and is committed to producing the best findings and, as a consequence, client satisfaction. Being a recognised standard, ISO 17025 is the best for your labs. 

  • Time and Cost-Effective

Whilst certification may appear to be pricey, the rewards in terms of time and money saved much surpass the costs. It not only eliminates the necessity for retesting items but also eliminates the need for supplier audits by independent parties. You have a lot of things to do rather than focusing on this matter only, therefore, ISO 17025 and you are like matchmade in heaven.

  • Become Recognised Globally

As mentioned before, this standard is recognised internationally. When your laboratory is certified to ISO 17025, it gains a fantastic reputation and demonstrates that it has excellent standards, placing it ahead of rivals. Apart from that, having a strong reputation among auditors and regulatory bodies will assist the lab’s reputation not just locally, but also nationally and worldwide.

  • Improved Diagnostic Environment

The ISO 17025 standard established testing environment requirements, including instruments, equipment, and procedural expectations. These quality objectives, together with the procedural enhancements stated in the rule, in which would result in a better testing environment that produces quality findings.


These benefits are acquired from various studies and have been proven globally. Investing in this standard is very worth it, especially if you want to become recognised by the world. ISO 17025 is not just crucial, but it can be considered a necessity for laboratories all across the world. With the benefits mentioned, most laboratories should be equipped with this standard ASAP if they want to experience them.